Staying Healthy during Ramadan

We hope that everyone is keeping safe and well! Here at Lifecare, we’re all about sharing knowledge with everyone on how best to stay healthy. Ramadan is well underway, and one of the most important areas to focus on, is staying committed to healthy eating habits.

Here’s a few reminders to help you stay on track.

Drink plenty of water and eat hydrating foods between iftar and suhoor meals during Ramadan. It’s hot out there, so make sure you replenish what you lose during the day (at least 10 glasses).

Keep iftar healthy, and replenish your energy!

Eating three dates to break your fast is a traditional and healthy way to begin iftar. Incorporate plenty of vegetables to provide vital vitamins and nutrients. Choose whole grains, which provide the body with energy and fibre. Enjoy grilled or baked lean meat, skinless chicken and fish, to get a good portion of healthy protein. In general, avoid fried and processed foods high in fat or sugar.

It is recommended to eat suhoor.

Especially for older people, adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as children who choose to fast. This meal should be healthy and balanced. Fresh vegetables, carbohydrates and protein-rich foods to give you energy for the day ahead.

Swap traditional sweets for sweet, water-filled fruit such as watermelon or peaches.

Reduce your consumption of foods rich in fat, especially fatty meats, pastries, etc.

Try to move as much as possible and to be active in the evenings, for example, by going for a regular daily walk.

Enjoy your meals! Avoid overeating by eating slowly, and in amounts appropriate to your needs. Big meals can cause heartburn and discomfort.

Wishing everyone a safe and blessed month,

Lifecare Team

Source: World Health Organization